In spite of my desires, I greatly liked girls and although I would have to admit to being still on the shy side with girls, I went out with them whenever the opportunity and my finances all- owed.
I spent the following summer between college semesters - working at a northern steel mill blast furnace. (Which I mention merely to point out the amazing incongruity of my feelings and ex- istence, since I was then working at an ultra masculine occupat- ion, while preferring a most feminine.) When I returned to college in the fall, my finances were in pretty good condition, I continued to buy feminine apparel and had even purchased my first woman's wig, an expensive item to me, but something I had to have and could not longer resist getting.
It was then that I met the first of the two girls who I eventually attempted to confide in and tell of my desire for wearing girl's clothing. I had liked both of these girls and they returned my affection. The reaction of the first girl was shocked amazement and it took her a day or two to even begin speaking to me again, after which she insisted, "Never do it again!" (In case you think I go blithely around telling every girl I meet, that I like to wear girl's clothing, such could not be further from the truth, as it was only after much delay, anguish, embarrassment and the gath- ering of every ounce of courage, that I was finally able to bring myself to tell girls, on these two occasionas.) The reaction of the second girl was much different. She was extremely amused that I had worn girl's clothing and wanted me to tell her all about it--and this was the last reaction that I had expected. But alas, although this girl did not condemn me in the least for having worn girl's clothing and had even thought it was very funny, she too said, in as many words, "Never do it again!" So needless to say, I was now firmly convinced that girls-all girls-could not con- done a male wearing girl's clothing and I abandoned all further attempts at confiding with them.